We welcome submissions of poetry, translations of poetry, book reviews, essays on poetry and interviews with poets! Print issues of Smartish Pace contain poetry and translations. Our website features book reviews, essays on poetry, and interviews with poets. Thanks for your interest in Smartish Pace! We look forward to reading your work!
Enter your poems in the 24th annual prize today! Deadline: February 15, 2025. Winning poet receives $200. Top three poets and all finalists (usually about 10) are published in Smartish Pace. Simultaneous submissions are allowed. Submit 3 poems and bio along with a $10 entry fee. You may enter more than once (e.g. 6 poems, $20). All poems submitted for the prize will be considered for publication in Smartish Pace. Therefore, it is possible to have your poems selected for an issue of Smartish Pace even if they do not win the Erskine J. Poetry Prize.
Enter your poems in the 21st annual prize today! All poems submitted for the prize will be considered for publication in Smartish Pace. Therefore, it is possible to have your poems selected for an issue of Smartish Pace even if they do not win the Beullah Rose Poetry Prize. This contest is open to women writers only. Deadline: February 15, 2025. Winning poet receives $200. Top three poets and all finalists (usually about 10) are published in Smartish Pace. Simultaneous submissions are allowed. Submit 3 poems and bio along with a $10 entry fee. You may enter more than once (e.g. 6 poems, $20).
We want to read your poems! Submit 6 poems or less. We will consider poems of any length, style and subject matter. We will not consider previously published poems. Simultaneous submissions are permitted. We pay one copy and acquire first serial rights (copyright reverts back to poet upon publication). We are always reading submissions. Thanks for your interest in Smartish Pace! We look forward to reading your poems!
We welcome submissions of translations of poetry! Submit 6 poems or less. We will consider poems of any length, style and subject matter. We will not consider previously published poems. We regard poems that have appeared on the Internet as published. Simultaneous submissions are permitted. We pay one copy and acquire first serial rights (copyright reverts back to poet upon publication). We are always reading submissions. Thanks for your interest in Smartish Pace! We look forward to reading your translations!
We welcome submissions of interviews with poets! Print issues of Smartish Pace contain poetry and translations. Our website features book reviews, essays on poetry, and interviews with poets. We are always reading submissions. Thanks for your interest in Smartish Pace! We look forward to reading your interviews with poets!
We welcome submissions of essays on poetry. Print issues of Smartish Pace contain poetry and translations. Our website features book reviews, essays on poetry, and interviews with poets. We are always reading submissions. Thanks for your interest in Smartish Pace! We look forward to reading your essay!
We welcome submissions of poetry book reviews! Print issues of Smartish Pace contain poetry and translations. Our website features book reviews, essays on poetry, and interviews with poets. We are always reading submissions. Thanks for your interest in Smartish Pace! We look forward to reading your book review!